Thursday, February 26, 2015

Luclin Vigil in West Commons 9/13/2001

The copied post can be found here

The Children of the Moon are the Game Masters, who work for Sony Online Entertainment as customer service representatives, and respectively that is their own guild. This was a vigil for the 9/11 attacks.

(Originally posted on 9/13/01 by Valelr Dzhaunil - sightly edited to remove bad links)

My friends My statement is long so that if I may have your attention. So much happening in a day, an hour, a minute , a second. Yesterday the world as we know it came to a crashing halt as we held our collective breath watching horror after horror sent to us from New York and Washington. It has been referred to as many things, the day terrorism struck home, the day of tragedy, the day the world changed forever or just most simply the day.

I travelled across my home state today, and I listened to the radio and listened to my fellow American's asking, crying venting, relating. Why? That question will plague us for a long long time. There is no reason why, what there is, is pure hatred, which has no reason, not hatred of a race, culture or belief. But the hatred of the ability we have to make a difference in the world. Ours is a country where you are taught if you work hard and believe in yourself anything is possible, much of the world sadly is not like that.

There are stories today of the passengers of the United flight 93, crashing their plane into remote Pennsylvania because they knew what would happen. That is Courage. Almost 500 Firefighters and Police Officers missing and preseumed dead, they knew the danger they were in and yet went forward to save others lives. That is courage. One man striking from far away killing thousands, injuring tens of thousands and affecting billions, in an effort to injure a nation he hates becaseu he doesn't understand. That is cowardice.

We are a stunned world today, stunned by our vulnerability, but know this. Nothing is more heartening than brother helping brother, Nothing is more gratifying seeing sister comforting sister. Nothing is more determined than one nation and one world united with one goal. We will grow stronger, we will become more unified as a nation and wolrd, we will put an end to all this and finally know peace. I thank you

* GM * [50 Shadow Knight] Tanadanat (Dark Elf) <Children of the Moon>

Please everyone remember that hatred breeds hatred, let us all rise above the hate of those that did this in such a cowardly way, please love one another, no matter what race, no matter what country of origin, let is love and support each other now. We don't know the enemy right now, now is not the time to breed hatred among us.

Justice will be done in the end, be it by us the American people or those by a higher power, what ever one or many you believe in, to breed hatred among ourselves makes the deaths of thousands of people vain ones. We as a united people must be strtong and believe that those that have the means will see that justice is done, in the end it will be.

[ANONYMOUS] Jesseika

Two very powerful speeches there. Both heartfelt and inspiring. This was the vigil held on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 @ 8:00pm PST...

To all those with families and friends who have been directly affected by the tragedy...our hopes, prayers, and thoughts go with you.

Valelr D'Zhaunil
The Official, Unofficial Sentinel
16th Year Traffic Officer

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